Architecture at its best tells a story, a story that has a beginning in the roots of the particular piece of land, the neighborhood vernacular, the histories and personalities of those who commission it.  Cultivating that story through the journey of design is our process.  We will listen intently, prioritize your goals effectively, and translate that vision into a nourishing space to call home. Our goal is to arrive at what we call “Ethical Architecture”:  Architecture that is healthy for you, healthy for the land, and healthy for the community; Architecture that captures the essence of a place while encompassing that which is uniquely you.


Steven Jallad



Architecture at its best tells a story, a story that has a beginning in the roots of the particular piece of land, the neighborhood vernacular, the histories and personalities of those who commission it. Cultivating that story through the journey of design is our process.  We will listen intently, prioritize your goals effectively, and translate that vision into a nourishing space to call home. Our goal is to arrive at what we call “Ethical Architecture”:  Architecture that is healthy for you, healthy for the land, and healthy for the community; Architecture that captures the essence of a place while encompassing that which is uniquely you.